Much of King Tutankhamun’s life was a mystery, until an archaeologist unsealed Tut’s stone door. King Tut was an Egyptian pharaoh. King Tut’s life, the contents of his tomb, and the curse of King Tut’s tomb are interesting stories that one needs to know. The curse of King Tut’s tomb is one of the most interesting stories about Howard Carter and King Tut. Howard Carter was a british archaeologist was on a quest to find King Tut’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Before the tomb was found, the curse was blamed on the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, because a supposed mummy was on board. And so the story of the curse begins. On the afternoon of November 26th, 1922 in the Valley of the Kings, they found the tomb of King Tut. When Howard Carter
Tutankhamun was an Eighteenth Dynasty pharaoh whose legacy extends to the present, and currently one of the best-known ancient Egyptians of all-time. The “Boy King” inherited the throne at the age of nine, his reign lasting only ten years before his sudden unexpected death. The traditional burial customs and funeral processions were carried out upon him, but the tomb he was laid to rest in was unique from the typical Eighteenth Dynasty tombs characterised by their lavish style and large scale. This uniqueness has been evidenced in a variety of archaeological and written sources, which express the tomb’s historical significance.
The pharaoh was undoubtedly the most important terrestrial figure in ancient Egypt and played a significant role in the functioning of Egyptian society. Entrusted with governing the realm of Egypt and providing a link between the Egyptian people and the gods, pharaohs were “an essential element in the maintenance of the position of society in the order of creation”. This idea has been substantiated through the various artefacts located in tombs in the Valley of the Kings, particularly that of Tutankhamun. These finds have shed light on the role and lifestyle of the pharaoh in ancient Egypt. Through the discovery and analysis of these items, historians and archaeologists alike have been able to glean considerable amounts of information in
Tutankhamun is one of the most famous and instantly recognisable Pharaohs of the modern world even though he lived and reigned over 3,000 years ago. The boy King was born in the 11th year of his father’s reign in 1345 BCE and died in 1327 BCE at the age of just 17 or 18 after only being in power for 8 years. Until archaeologist Howard Carter discovered his almost fully-intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 CE, the pharaoh was almost unheard of due to the common belief that he was a minor ruler, whose reign was of little consequence. However after this discovery and subsequent discoveries due to excavations, analysis of his mummy and other historical evidence, opinions changed, so much so that today Tutankhamun is recognized as an important
In Ancient Egypt, there was no way to investigate a murder. Even if there was, most records of King Tut have been erased! Archeologists have been making educated guesses about King Tutankhamun’s death since the 1920’s. One theory is that he was murdered by Aye, his power-hungry chief advisor. This is because King Tut’s mummy was very badly injured.
King Tutankhamun is one of the most well-known pharaohs. Tut was not relatively known until Howard Carter found his tomb. King Tut’s extremely famous, has a curse, and has a big family, and tells an interesting story about Egypt’s past.
King Tut just died, but who killed him and why. Horemheb killed him because he was in charge of the whole military. The death of King Tut is a mystery that will never be discovered.
King Tutankhamun death is a mystery that puzzles many historians, and archeologist. Many theories include, falling from a chariot, being killed by a hippo or crocodile, infection, malaria, or as I believe being assassinated. Many clues and hints have been given to support this theory. In the article Mysteries of Egypt, an X-ray was given of King Tut's skull, it revealed a blood clot at the base of his head. Could this have been caused by a traumatic hit to the head? Who would do such a thing? King Tut's elderly chief advisor Ay, is most suspected to have murdered the famous pharaoh. From the day of his birth to the time of his death Tut had a clubbed foot, and studies show he had a malaria. Did Ay murder him just for power, and blame it
On November 4, 1922 Howard Carter discovered King Tutankhamun's tomb in Egypt. Howard Carter spent almost his whole life looking for King Tut’s tomb and when he found it he was over the moon. King Tut’s tomb was very important, it helped us learn more about earlier civilizations, and showed us what king tut's reign was like while he was king.
The excavation and discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb was as a result of the efforts of the Archaeologist Howard Carter and his team. Carter’s discovery of the tomb came by finding steps to the burial near the entrance to the tomb Ramses VI. The subsequent excavated of the site by Carter and his team revealed the greatest ever treasure found from an Egyptian tomb and showed the existence of Tutankhamun. Carter’s methodology for the excavation was that of maintaining records for each artefact and that every artefact that was brought out of the tomb was preserved appropriately. The discovery and excavation of the tomb was a long and complex process but with it revealed much about Tutankhamun.
It all began, On Feb. 171923. A crowd of invited archeologists and Egyptian dignitaries, were gathered in the Valley of the Kings. They were there to view the uncovering of King Tutankhamen’s burial chamber. The outer rooms were filled with treasures, Egyptian art, and furnishings. But everyone was more anticipated to view the actual mummy. While the more leading kings and queens treasures had been looted long ago whereas, King Tut’s tomb had practically been untouched. It had only been robbed twice and luckily the robbers only got past the first chamber. Two months after the
His tomb was found in a secret spot in the royal burial ground of kings called the Valley of the Kings. King Tutankhamun’s tomb features his coffin which has three layers. Also, in the tomb other objects of value were found. In the innermost one you can find his golden sarcophagus. His sarcophagus along with the other objects were found untouched. It features him holding a crook and flail which were symbols of a king’s right to rule. The coffin is made out of nearly 240 pounds of gold and inlaid with enamel and semiprecious stones. The materials were used to show the theme of importance of power and authority and also wealth. Using these materials in the tombs and by putting other objects representing wealth provided for the ka. Ka is what is left of your soul once you die. The ka makes its way back to your body and lives out eternal life doing regular activities. Gold is a material used to show wealth in modern times and to the kings in Egypt it was used to indicate power, wealth, and authority. When you see gold you associate it with something of importance or someone of importance. When you see King Tut’s sarcophagus the bright gold is the first identifier. This means that the first thing you were supposed to recognize about him was his great wealth, power, and
King Tutankhamun or better known as “King Tut” became king at the young age of eight. His tomb was lost for 3000 years, it was after it was found that King Tut became so famous. There is also a story about an curse called “King Tut’s Curse”, many believe the curse is real.Some very strange rumors happened after the tomb was opened.
One theory suggests that King Tut was murdered. During an xray of the mummy in 1968, scientists found “bone fragments in King Tut’s skull prompting this theory”.
The shrine of Tutankhamun uncovers the burial customs of the New Kingdom Egyptians. The Canopic Shrine positioned on the east wall of the Treasury holds Tutankhamun's embalmed internal organs. A gold chest held four Canopic jars containing the dead pharaoh's internal organs in each jar. Undoubtedly, through the process of mummification, the embalmers must have removed the internal organs and preserved them in the Canopic jars, perhaps to be taken with the pharaoh to the next world. The third and innermost of three coffins of Tutankhamun is made of solid gold and is inset with semiprecious stones and coloured glass. It is covered with carved decorations and inscriptions inside and outside. It bears the names and epitaph of the deceased king and also protective texts. From this we discover the significance of the importance of the decoration of the mummy was, and the power the coffin was believed to hold. Originally, mummification was so expensive that it was a privilege enjoyed only by the Pharaoh and few nobles. Everybody else was given a simple grave burial in one of the vast cemeteries or "necropolises" of the time. But the promise of eternal life was so appealing that it wasn't long before other classes of Egyptians began signing up for mummification, too.
King Tutankhamun was an Egyptian pharaoh that had an early death. He was born circa 1341 B.C.E. and was the 12th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty (King Tut Biography). His main impact on Egypt was restoring the main polytheistic religion of Ancient Egypt (King Tut Biography). His father, Akhenaten, whose name translates to he who works for Aten, wanted Egypt to become monotheistic (King Tut Biography). He wanted all of Egypt to only worship Aten, instead of the pantheon of gods they had previously worshipped (King Tut Biography). Egyptian society went into chaos and Akhenaton was probably forced to abdicate the throne. (King Tut Biography). When Tutankhamun was born, he was originally called Tutankhaten, meaning living image of Aten, but he eventually changed his name to Tutankhamun, meaning the living image of Amun (Meaning of Akhenaten and King Tut Biography). Converting Egypt to polytheism was the main impact of King Tutankhamen in Egypt.