
The Cycle Of Death In Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus

Decent Essays

The reader can see the early development of some of Shakespeare’s most iconic themes in Titus Andronicus. The play’s pages are rife with brutality, corruption, revenge, and death. A cycle of death that is prompted by a war between the Romans and Goths and how death continues to wreak havoc in Rome after the war is over. Although Tamora and her sons’ vengeance seems to direct the actions of the play, Aaron is the one who orchestrates the calamity of Titus’ family. Aaron proudly identifies as the devil and exclaims that his soul is as black as his skin; he embraces the label set on him by Roman society, yet being an outcast may have turned him into that proud devil (Shakespeare). In Titus Andronicus, the reader meets Aaron at moments where he shows concern and distress for his son’s future, humanizing him in the process and making Aaron a complex antagonist. Although Aaron is a cruel character, the abuse he takes from Roman society molds him into a sympathetic, multi-dimensional character.
Titus Andronicus begins with Rome defeating the Goths in a ten-year war and returning home with the Goth Queen Tamora, the moor servant Aaron, and Tamora’s sons Alarbus, Chiron, and Demetrius as captives. Titus lost twenty-one of his sons in battle, and he sacrifices Alarbus for the death of his sons despite Tamora’s pleas. When Saturninus takes Tamora as his new fiancé over Lavinia, Tamora plots the downfall of the Andronicus family; Titus kills one of his sons for defending the marriage

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