
The Dangers Of Texting And Driving

Decent Essays

When cell phone use became prominent at the beginning of the twenty-first century, a new threat to public safety emerged: texting while driving. In 2007, 64% of US adults admitted to using a cell phone to send text messages behind the wheel despite the fact that 89% of the same group approved of laws that would ban the practice (Richtel, 242). Cell phone users, even though they are aware that texting and driving is dangerous, do so anyway. In A Deadly Wandering, released in 2014, Matt Richtel demonstrates that the majority of drivers continue to distract themselves with their cell phones because they simply cannot help it due to the contemporary and inseparable connection between technology and the human mind.
One reason why texting and driving remains an enormous problem is that drivers are constantly lured by technology. The rapid development and personal adoption of technology beginning in the 1940s with radio and television and later in the 1970s with personal computers was the foundation for an irreversible human link to technology; these devices provided entertainment, information, and tools for productivity. Beginning in the early 2000s, cell phones have become more attractive to individuals because they fulfill social needs. Humans crave connection, and mobile phones can provide it almost instantly through text messaging; with the rise in popularity of texting, mobile phone owners consider text messaging a form of communication just as normal as face-to-face

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