
The Day That Changed My Life Essay

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I never knew that the very fateful day, September 4, 2065, would be my last average day, with an average life, normal friends (not really), and a normal family. This day was one that no one would ever forget. The day that the world drastically changed and everyone knew that nothing would ever be the same. As I walked to school, I ran into one of my friends, as usual. Meera Falcov, a girl with unusual talents and my closest friend. We were what you would call the “outcasts” at Herbert high school. Of course we weren’t the only ones, there were others just like us, and our little group of “friends” was always accepting new members, no matter who they were, and no matter how strange they were. Though I’m a little strange myself, so who am I to say anything about it? After all, I was the one who chose to hang out with them, I could’ve just said “no” and chose to stay away from anyone, but it is human nature to feel attracted to other people. Meera and I walked to school in silence like we usually did, we almost never knew what to say to others and just couldn’t socialize without it getting really awkward. We reached school, walked in the doors, and separated to go to our classrooms. Most of the class was already there and I sat down in my normal spot for the Sophomore chemistry class next to another one of my friends, Zane Mercier. Most people would mispronounce his last name the first time they saw it, even though names like “Mare-see-air” were not uncommon.
Half of the day

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