
The Death Of The Moth By Virginia Woolf Analysis

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One of Virginia Woolf most noticeable work is, “The Death of The Moth” which is about a Moth that is in his last moments of life. As one cannot control what happens in their life. In such this could connect Virginia Woolf with the essay of “The Death of the Moth” with her suicide. She did not have much control in her life and the death of her mother or her father and this event affect her emotionally and mentally. Yet, she shows the world that a woman could become a great writer as any man could ever be. But the time of war is what did her in, fear that her husband being Jewish would bring Nazis after him. After her home was a bomb by the Nazis, she could not take much more loss that in the end, she took her life by committing suicide by drowning herself. Virginia Woolf wrote a final note to her husband and that note could have been “The Death of the Moth” an essay she wrote before her death, many believe that this was her suicide note showing the psychological state she was before committing suicide.
Many believe that “The Death of The Moth” was Virginia Woolf’s suicide note as it was the last essay ever published from her. But it was published by her husband, Leonard Woolf, in the year 1942, a year after her death, as Brackett, who wrote so details about Woolf wrote “Leonard would see to the publication of Virginia's final novel later that year and began the enormous task of organizing her many works. He released various edited editions of her essays as well as selections from her diaries” (Brackett). As Leonard Woolf was the one to publish Virginia Woolf work for her many believe that he did this as a tribute to his wife, as Leonard was a witness in most of Woolf times of depression. But many believe that “The Death of the Moth” was her suicide note is to the reason Woolf wrote, “Just as life had been strange a few minutes before, so death was now as strange. The moth having righted himself now lay most decently and uncomplainingly composed. O yes, he seemed to say, death is stronger than I am” (Woolf). As her being the Moth she tells us in how she views life and death. In a way how the Moth was at the end of his life could mean he accepting death, as there was no escaping it. Such as one could see this as

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