
The Death Of Violence In Graham Greene's The Destructors

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The victims of war can be found far from the battlefield. Though unable to prevent disagreements between militant nations, those most affected by war are the adolescents forced to mature and develop amongst the devastation and turmoil. These children often cannot adjust to the harsh and complex post-war society and lash out as result. Specifically, in Graham Greene’s “The Destructors,” Trevor sees the destruction of his family and transformation of his neighborhood as a result of World War II and thoroughly dismantles Mr. Thomas’ house as symbolic vengeance against the older generation whom he blames for the devastating war. Resenting the decline of his social standing, Trevor is too immature to deal with his grievances rationally and takes his anger out on Mr. Thomas’ ornate home. In his first encounter with the Wormsley Common Gang, Trevor is an outsider because of his name and “the fact that his father, a former architect and present clerk, had ‘come down in the world’” (116). Though the name “Trevor” was an upper-class English name, Trevor changes his name to T. when he joins the group. By becoming T., Trevor name loses its original value, much like how his family has lost its old prosperity. Despite brooding during his first few weeks in the gang, Trevor’s demeanor changes when he discusses his plan to destroy Mr. Thomas’ house “as if this plan had been with him all his life, pondered through the seasons, now in his fifteenth year crystallized with the pain of

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