
The Death Penalty And The Criminal Justice System

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The death penalty has been used as a form of punishments in the United States since the American colonies in the 1600’s (Del Carmen, 2015). The country has divided opinions about the proper procedures used by the criminal justice system to convict a person to live or death. The death penalty has created a public policy issue that has produced wide scholarly research, public debate and legal attention. The reality is that the majority on Americans support the death penalty. Only a small proportion believes that there has to be something done during the investigation and gathering of evidence process to proof that the convicted criminal in is guilty. When a murder is committed, the majority of the citizen’s support that the death penalty will satisfied deterrence and retribution in order to protect society. But, the criminal justice system should revised the methods of investigation and due process in order to satisfy retributions and deterrence without conviction the wrong person for a crime they didn’t committed. The reality is that since the 1900’s wrongful convictions had affected our criminal justice system. There are several factors that lead the wrongful convictions eyewitness identification, improper DNA testing, and false confessions.
The Innocence Project is a project working to free the innocent and bring awareness to the issue of wrongful convictions around the world. In this page reports, that the percentage of exoneration cases are 235 involving eyewitness

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