
The Death Penalty Is It Just Or Unjust?

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One highly controversial, highly debated topic in the United States today is the death penalty. Is it just or unjust? Does is deter murders and crimes? Are there proper rules for it, and a fair system to decide who gets the death penalty? The death penalty is “the punishment of execution, administered to someone legally convicted of a capital crime.” Today it is mostly used for murder cases, however, depending on the state it can also be used for treason, aggressive kidnapping, drug trafficking, aircraft hijacking, espionage, and aggressive assault by felons, murders or the incarcerated. The death penalty is primarily given as a lethal injection, but in the past has also been given as electrocution, gas chambers, hangings, or firing squads. It is important here to point out the difference between execution and capital punishment. Execution is: “the act or process of executing.” Capital punishment is: “punishment by death for a crime; the death penalty.” They are different in that execution is not always for a crime; it can be random and unjust. Capital punishment is always for a serious crime. The question of the death penalty is a very important question because of the finality of the death penalty. Once the person is put to death, we cannot bring them back. The question of the death penalty is relevant because it it a popular, ethical, and serious question we are faced with today. I believe the death penalty today is just, however, I think there should be a better,

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