
The Decline Of Job Tenure

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Larry Fagen AMS 205 1 October 2015 AMS 205 Midterm Essay Part I From the early 1960s through to the mid-2000s, job tenure trends showed a sharp decline. However, while observing this trend, researchers also observed an increasing amount of issues with employees’ behaviors and general workplace aggressions. There have been many theories and speculations as to why the decline in job tenure occurred. While it is unclear as to why employee behavior began to cause problems, many speculate the decline in job tenure was caused by age, technology and logistic factors, among others. Age is a major contributor to the decline. Analysis of male job tenure stratified by age group shows that as the mean age of the group increases, so does the average job tenure (Hipple, Sok, Bureau of Labor Statistics). One reason that may explain this is that the mentality of youth in America has changed significantly. At one time the expectation of an occupation was that it would last for a lifetime, however, this mentality has slowly drifted towards multiple occupations being more common than before. In addition, as the baby boomer generation retires, the average age of the American employee decreases slightly which in turn causes the average job tenure to decrease as well. Corresponding with age, the modernization of America has also had a significant impact on job tenure. Due to the rapid increase in technological advancements, many clerical jobs and jobs in the financial operations field

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