
The Decline Of The Middle Ages Europe

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Contrary to what World History textbooks might make someone believe, Europe was not always a thriving cultural hub. In fact, during the Middle Ages Europe was stuck in a constant cycle of development and decline that could be attributed to a wide range of factors. The only constant aspect of Middle Ages Europe became its religion, which acted to keep the region afloat even as feudalism, invasions, and plagues sought to destroy any progress that could have been made. Feudalism is an interesting concept in theory, but in practice, at least in Europe, it only serves to stagnate progress and hurt the region. Feudalism was a form of government in which wealthy and powerful lords divided their holdings amongst lesser lords, or vassals, who in return pledged their loyalty and service to their greater lords. Vassals would then hire peasants to work for them, in a form of near slavery. These peasants, or serfs, could not leave the land that they had been bound to. While this system worked for a time, the strict separation of social classes only halted and slowed the development of European society. No one could truly progress up the social ladder, and peasants could not negotiate for any of their rights. These same peasants were often heavily taxed, and often could not find any work besides farming or serving under a nobleman. This system did not allow for any development to occur. Even if a peasant had a world altering invention, they would not be paid any attention to, and they

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