
The Decriminalization Of Prostitution

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Just last week in New Jersey between October 13 and October 20, 239 pimps and prostitutes were arrested in an FBI child sex trafficking bust, rescuing 82 minor children from forced prostitution. Investigations are ongoing to determine if the prostitutes (women) were victims of sex trafficking as well. A commercial sex act includes prostitution, pornography and sexual performance done in exchange for any item of value, such as money, drugs, shelter, food or clothing and is considered to be the world’s oldest profession. Prostitution is one of the root causes of sex trafficking. Sex trafficking, considered to be modern day slavery, is one of the country’s largest unregulated industries and it is happening here in this country more than anyone wants to admit. Making prostitution legal will not take the crime out of it, nor will it control the growth of the sex industry, it will only expand it and increase the demand, leading to sex trafficking without actually protecting the women/children.
Many women are coerced into prostitution by men claiming to want to help them; these men are nothing more than pimps, often getting the women dependent on drugs and using their dependence to control the women. The prostitutes sustain repeated physical and sexual assaults at the hand of both their pimps and their clients; these …show more content…

Legalizing prostitution would empower these women to, in a sense, become self-employed without the control of a pimp and the physical dangers that it brings. Legalizing prostitution would require mandatory regular STD testing for the women, reducing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. It would also allow men to satisfy their sexual urges legally instead of raping, reducing the sexual assaults on all

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