
The Definition Of Planned Parenthood

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Planned Parenthood “A nonprofit organization that does research into and gives advice on contraceptives, family planning, and reproductive problems,” is the definition one would get upon Googling Planned Parenthood. Although factual, this definition does not entirely define Planned Parenthood. It fails to mention the values on which Planned Parenthood was originally founded upon. Planned Parenthood’s beneficial services and patient satisfaction rates were also excluded. Because pro-terms, such as beneficial, are believed to imply some sort of bias that would “distort” the factuality of the words’ definition, a laundry list of additional information is left out on Google’s definition of Planned Parenthood. Google’s failure to indicate that people are in fact benefiting from the services Planned Parenthood provides is a misconception in itself. The reality of it is that people visit these clinics to seek some sort of assistance with any concerns they may have, and that is a fact. Why else would people take time out of their day to willingly visit these clinics? For the most part, those who have an opinion on Planned Parenthood stand firmly by it. Setting aside those individuals who simply feel indifferent about the political battle concerning Planned Parenthood, there’s a thick divisive line parting those who genuinely appreciate the services provided by Planned Parenthood and those who consider their values to be repugnant. Because this disagreement came about, the ongoing

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