
The Denalty And The Death Penalty

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The death penalty is a legal act taken to punish those whose crime is most heinous. A man, by the name of Robert Lynn Pruett, was recently sentenced to death, but the amount of evidence against him is being questioned on whether or not it was sufficient enough for him to receive the death penalty. Pruett was already in prison for being an accomplice to murder, a murder that his dad committed. He was fifteen when his father killed their neighbor, and was placed into prison with a ninety-nine year sentence, simply because he was at the scene of the crime (McCullough, 2017). Within the next five years, he was being accused of yet another murder.
Prison guard, Daniel Nagle, was only thirty-seven when he was stabbed to death inside the prison walls. Investigators say that a disciplinary report was found in Nagle’s hand at the crime scene; Nagle found Pruett eating a sandwich in an unauthorized area, and had written him up for it. There was no physical evidence linking Pruett to the crime, but there were eyewitness reports from some of the other inmates. The crime scene was tested for Pruett’s DNA; however, the tests came back as “inconclusive”. He was convicted in 2002, and spent the next fifteen years claiming that he was not guilty. He tried to get a stay of execution so the DNA could be tested again; they refused him and the execution proceeded. On October 12, 2017, Robert Pruett was executed without conclusive evidence (Executed but possibly innocent, 2017). His execution

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