
The Department Of The Bureaucracy

Better Essays

Dev Patel
The Departments of the Bureaucracy: 1Points Each (10 Points)
Agriculture (USDA)
Commerce (DOC)
Defense (DOD)
Education (ED)
Energy (DOE)
Justice (DOJ)
Labor (DOL)
State (DOS)
Veterans Affairs (VA)
Health and Human Services (HHS)

Identify who is in charge of the Department and their function in government then identify their budget. 10 Points Department of Defense: The person in charge is Ashton Carter, the function of the Department of Defense is that they are in charge providing military forces and they also help protect the U.S security. The budget of the Department of Defense is about $575 billion. Department of Health and Human Services: The person in charge is Sylvia Mathews Burwell; the …show more content…

Department of Homeland Security: The person in charge is Jeh Charles Johnson; the function of this department is to make sure and maintain safety and security of the U.S from different events such as terrorist attacks or other disasters. The budget for this department is $38.2 billion. Seperation of Church and State (10 Points)
Initially in the constitution there has been a clear rule that indicates that a separation of church or religion and government must be legally maintained. Identify situations in society where you do not see the separation existing in society. Also identify situations in society that there is a clear separation of church and state.
The separation of church and state is a very discussed topic. There are some situations where there is no separation of church and state, for example government funding of religious schools where money is given to the religious school and or program. Another example is prayer at a public school event such a graduation; the program is started with a prayer. Many also say that the abortion laws violate the separation of church and state. The last example of which students are familiar with is the pledge of alliance that is said every morning includes the words under god; this shows the flaw in the separation of church and state. There are also examples of clear separation of church and state, for example in some schools no one single religion is being

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