
The Department of Homeland Security

Decent Essays

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) covers a variety of topics including: academic engagement, border security, citizenship and immigration services, civil rights and civil liberties, cybersecurity, disasters, economic security, homeland security enterprise, human trafficking, immigration enforcement, international engagement, working with law enforcement, preventing terrorism, and transportation security (Homeland Security, g). DHS works with all law enforcement partners at federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial levels. In these partnerships, communication and information sharing are a focus as well as have better resources and support (i.e. grants and training), and improve analytic capabilities to address threats (Homeland Security, f). This specific federal agency continually focuses on the importance of information sharing; it is committed to ensuring that all levels of law enforcement and those on the front lines have this information available (Homeland Security, d). This information gathering/sharing relies on using Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), preventing and combating serious crime agreements (PCSC), and agreements to share information on lost and stolen passports. DHS also works closely with the FBI to increase sharing of information with partners. In addition, the other resources that are relied on to help with this include working with national network of fusion center, nationwide suspicious activity reporting initiative, national

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