
The Development of Religious Archetecture in New Kingdom Essay

Decent Essays

The expansion of the political and economical power during the New kingdom, led to the devotion of resources to the religious architecture; numerous new temples were constructed while the pre-existing temples were renovated. Individual Pharaohs endeavored to out do their ancestors, not only in the construction of their own mortuary temples, but also in the establishment of worship temples of their deities. Kings of this period abandoned the pyramid complexity of the earlier ages and constructed their tombs in the Valley of the Kings well away from their mortuary temples due to the increase of robbers; therefore a standardized plan became default for both the worship and mortuary temples. Because of this movement, I believe that the divine …show more content…

The turning point of the New Kingdom’s architecture was during the reign of Akhenaten, which took place during the Amarna period. During this era, the sun god Aten became superior over all the gods, thus leading to the abolition of the former gods that caused Egypt to have a polytheistic religion. Traditional temples became neglected, whilst Aten temples of differing sharper construction emerged. Although none of the temples of this period survived due to the ravages of later kings, yet (image 7) portrays that the Amarna temples did not follow along the traditional footsteps of previous architecture, instead they were smaller in size, with sanctuaries open to the sun for the direct worship of Aten, with no doors and a large number of altars. During the reign that followed, of Amehotep III and Ramses II, the monotheistic religion returned and many noted changes took place. The tendency of huge royal statues and funerary temples were a common feature as well as the gradual yielding to columns with plant motifs and Osiride pillars, completely transformed the atmosphere of the temples interior. A complete alternation in the interiors of the great halls and courtyards of the temples resulted from the change of supports, columns. Image 8 portrays the evolution of papyrus columns, from the 5th dynasty all the way through the 20th. During the 18th dynasty, the

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