
The Difference Between Civil Rights And Civil Rights

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I noted that the U.S. civil liberties, as well as, U.S. civil rights are generally located in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, as well as, the Fourteenth Amendment. The distinction between civil liberties and civil rights is blurred since the concepts are used interchangeably, even though they refer to different kinds of guaranteed protections. Civil liberties are protections against government actions. Whereas civil rights refer to positive actions governments should take to create equal conditions. The primary objective of this essay is to distinguish between civil rights and civil liberties. In this essay, I present a case related to the civil right to free expression or creation of equal conditions in forum 4.1. Whereas in forum 4.2 I present a provision of the US Patriot Act related to civil liberties or protections against federal government action.

Forum 4.1: Anti-Abortion T-Shirt and Civil Right to Free Expression

On April 26, 2005, the third “National Pro-Life T-shirt Day” two sisters (Brittany and Tamera Chandler) who resided in Des Moines, Iowa and enrolled in Roosevelt High School were asked to remove or cover up their pro-life t-shirts which were not considered appropriate. The two students Brittany age 18 and Tamera age 15: 1) were called into the Principal’s Office after a Teacher expressed concern how other students might react to the t-shirts and make the two students targets; and; 2) complained that

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