
The Differences Between The Renaissance Era And Baroque Era

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To help one differentiate between the Renaissance Era and Baroque Era Heinrich Wolfflin created the Wolfflin Method. The Wolfflin Method compares the two eras in a masterful way that helps one simplify the differences between the Renaissance and Baroque Eras. The Renaissance Era is represented by linear, planar, closed, and multiplicity elements. All of these elements combined to create a crisp painting where lines and shapes are distinguished. The Baroque Era is represented by painterly, recessional, open, and unity elements. These four elements help create a painting that uses shadows to create dimension and depth within the piece giving the viewer an overall sense of unity. The Wolfflin Method assists the viewer in understanding the differences between the Renaissance and Baroque Era.
The first painting to be analyzed is The Last Days of Pompeii, by Karl Bryullov. This painting distinctly displays elements from the Baroque Era. Although this painting has a linear element, which comes from the Renaissance Era, it’s still Baroque. The white building that is quickly crumbling has clear defined lines with sharp edges. All of the people displaced in the painting also has defined edges and can be differentiated from one another. This example demonstrates how the linear element is displayed. There are a few groups of people that are on different levels, kneeling, standing, or laying on the floor, creating diagonal lines throughout the painting, showing the recessional element.

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