
The Disabled : An Unseen Entity Of The Community And Most People

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Intellectual Disabilities
Jason Andersen
Wayland Baptist University
MGMT 5320 Research Methods
August 2, 2015

Many intellectually disabled are an unseen entity of the community and most people don’t understand what intellectual disabilities. What else are unknown to most people are the benefits that are available to them. What are the programs available to the disabled and what are the implications of being in the programs, those are the questions that by knowing the programs that are available to those with intellectually disabilities is a step in becoming an advocate for those with disabilities. Knowing the difference between the programs and what each program has to offer helps those searching for help for a loved one more knowledgeable in finding the care for their loved ones. This paper outlines what the differences are on care for the intellectually disabled in Texas and Tennessee and looks and what funding each state receives and where the money goes. This paper also looks at the understanding of the public’s knowledge and understanding of these programs.
Key words
Intellectually disabled, Mentally handicapped, Mental Health Mental Retardation. Home and Community Based Services

Societies growth can be seen in the manner in which it treats and cares for those who cannot care for themselves. Understanding the programs available and how they are funded helps society become aware of the needs of the disabled. This paper will

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