
The Discovery Of A Business Model Innovation

Better Essays

The disruptive business models are those that surprisingly manage top to make new markets and disrupt the existing markets. To discover these innovations, it requires a level of innovativeness and open-mindedness that will enable one to create new influential innovations. The discovery of a business model innovation usually starts with customer value propositions and customer segment. The business model brings about logic and provides vital data that demonstrates how a company can formulate itself and provide valuable input to customers. Furthermore, it facilitates the setup of revenue allocation, the costs and the various profit margins that the business delivers (Colovic, 2012).Furthermore, these different issues are also interrelated and, therefore, offer a competitive advantage besides bringing in huge profit margins. Business models also provide a business design and outlay that defines how the particular company can convert the various payments received into profits, and help the company to excel as an innovation and as a business model, as well as to understand the different business design options according to the customer needs and the various technological advances. To develop a successful business model, one has to ensure that the competitive advantage of the company remains a permanent part of it and that this model is difficult to duplicate and redo. The business model brings about the financial and organizational architecture of the particular business. The

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