
The Discovery Of Being Mummified Essay

Decent Essays

Do you know the process of being mummified? Well I will tell you all about the process of being mummified. When pharaohs or very rich people die in Egypt they take all of their organs out except for their heart. They were then wrapped in linen cloth and put in a sarcophagus. (A sarcophagus was a coffin.) Before they are placed in the linen cloth they are given an amulet to keep evil away. They are said to have an afterlife. In their afterlife they are said to live eternally. The first type of tomb was called the mastaba and it was made out of mud-bricks. They were buried with all of their valuable stuff like jewels, gold, silver, and etc. To protect the tomb where the body is they put traps everywhere so when intruders come in to look at it they die. If the intruder gets caught stealing the tomb they would be whipped, tortured and some got their hands chopped off. Then they were executed by being burned alive or being impaled on a stake. The ancient Egyptians also attempted to deter tomb robbers by a pharaoh’s curse. During the 1st Dynasty human and animal sacrifice played a role in the funeral rituals. Males were depicted with reddish-brown colored skin reflecting odor pursuits whereas females were painted with a yellowish colored skin. Tomb painting of gods and pharaohs were always depicted as young and healthy. Some of the most famous pharaohs including Hatshepsut, Tutankhamun (King Tut), Thutmose and Ramses II are buried in the Valley of the Kings.

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