
The Discovery Of The Titanic

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All of a sudden, shock was sent around the ship to the passengers as the massive R.MS. Titanic sideswipes an iceberg, damaging the hull. Moments after the watertight compartments started to fill up, as water begins to spill over the top of the bulkheads. Everything started to submerge, as the ship tilted onto a forty-five-degree angle. Water starts to fill more and more, and minutes later, it slips beneath the surface. In to today’s history, the Titanic is one of the most known disasters to occur to date. On April 4, 1912, The R.M.S. Titanic collided with a massive iceberg on the voyage to the United States, and the “unsinkable” ship sank within hours. According to the builders of the Titanic, the ship itself should have be able to stay …show more content…

Scientist tested different types of steel by swinging a pendulum hitting the sample. Firstly, they used the test piece, when the pendulum swung down, it had bent the piece. However, when the they tested using a sample of the steel that made up the Titanic, the pendulum broke the steel into two pieces. This test was to shown the brittleness of the hull steel. How the hull steel of the Titanic should not have been broken into two pieces like the test sample, but instead it snapped in half (Bassett, 2000). Scientists analyzed the hull steel even more, through a microstructural analysis. This test showed that the steel had high levels of oxygen and sulphur. Having such high levels of oxygen, leads to an increase of ductile steel to brittle transition. High sulphur levels increases the brittleness of the steel, ruining the structure and function of it. Another material failure that lead to the sinking of the Titanic was the rivets. The iron rivets which was fastened to the hull plates of the Titanic’s structure failed also from brittleness from the collision. The low temperature water also impacted the brittleness of the rivets. When the Titanic scraped along the iceberg, the rivets were sheared off, which opened up the seams. From the force the heads of the rivets were popped off, causing more seams to open up. From the low temperature waters, the rivets were extremely brittle, being able to pop off and open up (Bassett, 2000). Holes were then created

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