The “unsinkable” Titanic’s maiden voyage was a disaster because she split in two from crashing into an iceberg. 1,517 people died from the horrible tragedy, only 706 people survived.
The Titanic’s maiden voyage was disastrous because the beautiful ship sank and many people died. One of the largest flaws of the Titanic’s design is that it was too big and not nimble enough to avoid the iceberg. In addition to the nimbility of the ship, some of the rivets were improperly manufactured and contained a lot of slag in the steel, which makes it more fracture prone.
The Titanic wasn’t perfect, as she had a lot of flaws, but everything has flaws, she was fragile in parts. Even though she was called “unsinkable” she had an issue and ended up sinking.
On April 15, 1912 at 11:40 P.M. the Titanic collided with an iceberg and by 2:20 A.M. it was at the bottom of the ocean; over 1,500 people died. The massive loss of life was a shock to the world. The “unsinkable” ship had sunk. Despite the Titanic’s claims about being “unsinkable” and completely safe, many avoidable things led to the immense number of fatalities, such as the shortage of lifeboats, lowered bulkheads, and the lack of binoculars. Bruce Ismay, the designer of the Titanic and director of Whitestar line, often chose the comfort of his passengers over their safety. While Ismay was designing the Titanic he thought that the deck was too cluttered so he decided to keep only a third of the lifeboats needed to save all of the passengers
But in 1912 the Titanic sunk and it was a disaster at that time a lot of people died and the cause was preventable. So the failure was because of a fracture in the Hull steel and the wrought iron rivets. The fracture happened because of the amount of sulphur of the steel and the high speed of the ship as it travel over below freezing water. All these could have been prevented if the captain of the ship listened to the warring about the ice. They could have used a better quality of the riveting and the steel plates.
The Titanic is different from the other ships because, they thought that the Titanic was unsinkable. “It’s another ice burg warning…the captain had seemed quite unconcerned” on 106 and 107 so they aren’t worried that they will not hit the ice burg and sink because those people don’t think it can sink. “There was much talk among the passengers about the Titanic being unsinkable.” On 105 so they aren’t worried that the boat will sink. “Nicknamed the Unsinkable ship” on page 102 it even says unsinkable
Have you ever really thought about the day RMS. Titanic sank? The RMS.Titanic was made to be unsinkable. It sank into the icy waters of the Atlantic after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage. It killed 1,517 people during the tragedy.
Imagine having to balance your weight on a pack of pencils, and that’s how brittle the steel used on the Titanic’s hull was. There was a piece of the hull that had been recovered and scientists had gone forward to examine that piece of steel. They concluded that the steel was of very poor quality. “Jagged and sharp, the edges of the piece of steel appeared almost shattered, like broken china.” (Bassett 44). The Titanic had a sister ship, Olympic, which collided while leaving the harbor on September 20, 1911. A similar outcome had occurred when another cruise ship had collided into Olympic. “A 36-foot high opening was torn into the starboard side of the Olympics’ hull when a British cruiser broadsided her. Failure of the riveted joints and ripping of the hull plates were apparent in the area of impact.” (45). The build of the Titanic was more cheap and bad built than quality made and
The Titanic, a British luxury liner that claimed to be unsinkable, sank after colliding with an iceberg on April, 14 1912. The name titanic was acquired from greek mythology, it means gigantic.The titanic was fabricated in belfast ireland, in the united kingdom.
One passage, R.M.S. Titanic, by Hanson W. Baldwin, tells about the sequence of unfortunate events. The ship took 3 years to build and with much careful construction, many thought that the ship was, in fact, unsinkable.
The sinking of the Titanic has become one of the most well-known disasters in history, because of the terrible loss of life and the demise of what everyone believed was an "unsinkable" ship. As is evident from reading this report the use of substandard rivets was the main cause of the failure of the Titanic. By substandard we mean that the type of rivets used was incorrect as well as the location of these rivets.
Even if the first four watertight compartments filled with water, the ship would still float. Thus, the Titanic was said to be “unsinkable”. Weighing 46,328 tons and taking three years to build, the Titanic was ready for its first voyage in early April.
In the conclusion, RMS Titanic used round headed solid rivets of iron and steel in the different locations of ship hull which were installed manually and some were hydraulically driven at different locations. The substandard material and the error in the placement of different type of rivets is the root cause of sinking of RMS Titanic after it hit the iceberg its hull collapsed and led to this disaster.
When analyzing this disaster the first thing to consider is the engineer’s design of the Titanic. The Titanic was employing many new and innovative designs that were believed to make the Titanic the safest ship ever built at that time. The engineer’s of the vessel made claims that the Titanic was “unsinkable” and that “even in the worst possible accident at sea, the ship should have stayed afloat for two to three days.” One of the features that lead them to this claim was the 16 watertight compartments in the hull of the ship. The way they were designed allowed for up to four compartments to be breached and they ship would still carry
The RMS Titanic; A Tragedy Based on Class. In April, 1912, the so called "unsinkable" Titanic set sail to New York. The great ship was as big as five city blocks, and weighed thousands and thousands of tons. Everyone who was everyone grabbed a room on the luxurious ship for the trip of a lifetime. On April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic struck an iceberg an sank into the icy depths of the North Atlantic.
Despite how entertaining the film Titanic actually is, it has many flaws that can be pointed out. Titanic is a love story between a woman of the upper-class and a man of the lower-class. Throughout the movie they face the difficulties of Jack (Lower-class man) not being high enough stature to please the family of Rose (upper-class woman) while they sail through the ocean on a luxurious cruise ship. As the Titanic sinks the film shows the two being together and going through the catastrophe that is the final hours on the Titanic. In the movie, Titanic, director James Cameron used a few important actual events that occurred in the history of The Titanic. However, there are some things that were only added for detail, entertainment, and action in film. Real-life survivors from the ship's sinking report what is valid and incorrect in the movie.
The titanic was supposed to be unsinkable but it's first time on the ocean it sunk and killed over 1,500 people and only 702 people out of 2,223 people survived the titanic because they were only putting in 28 people in a lifeboat and they should have put 65 people per lifeboat and that really affected the amount of people that died because if they used
The Titanic's voyage was a disaster because it was damaged. The Titanic had crashed and people were planning on having a good time. The Titanic was a disaster because it got ruined. The was the Titanic got ruined was because water was flooding in it. The Titanic crashed into an iceberg. People got hurt which also made it a disaster. This is how it was a disaster.More examples to why the Titanic was a disaster was because it was poorly designed. The boat “ship” was traveling