
Turning In Assignments Late

Good Essays

Carolyn Foster Segal sarcastically discussed the numerous reasons students came to her in need of turning in assignments late. Most reasons were so redundant and absurd that she had to title her essay about her experiences as a college professor, "The Dog Ate My Disk, and Other Tells of Woe." However, as a student, I can understand why a student face so many obstacles while seeking success in their overall education and, specifically, seeking punctuality in their assignments. Whether it is from their home situation, overall well-being, the work itself, or their life outside of school and family, there are several excuses that can justify the late submission of an assignment.
One reason students might request an extension of due date on an …show more content…

Some students may be homeless or living right at the poverty line. Those students may be going through twist and turns just to get to school let alone complete an assignment. Some students may be getting abused by their family members. Some students may also be caring for their own parents. These type of home situations would cause students to turn in work late.
Not only can students’ home situation affect their turning in an assignment on time, so can students’ well-being. Students just like other people can get sick. They can be sick enough not to even get out of bed and make it to the doctor. I know I personally suffer from unbearable cramps during my menstrual cycle. My cramps can get so out of hand that I will not have the energy to take any medicine. My uterus will be so upset with me that it will kick my insides out and force me to scream and cry for an episode lasting about twenty minutes. When I was in twelfth grade, I felt the enduring pain coming on right after my first class. I had to scream, cry, and bleed in the office until it was over, for I had no strength to drive myself home. Aside from physical sicknesses, students can be emotionally unstable. It is natural for the average person to go through some form of depression in his or her lifetime. Being overwhelmed from balancing life and figuring out his or her future as a student is tough. Specifically, students are asked to make life decisions, which is sort of irrational since they are so

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