
The Dreams By Sigmund Freud

Decent Essays

There are various components of a dream. The dreaming process is very complicated and is still, even today, difficult to understand. One leading contributor to the comprehension of our dreams was Sigmund Freud. He believed there were four aspects to the interpretation of dreams and they are manifest content, latent-dream thoughts, wish-fulfillment, and dream work. The manifest content can be defined as the pre-interpretation of the dream. It’s what you actually see in the dream. The latent-dream thought is what’s disguised in the manifest content. It is the symbols found in the dream. The latent-dream thought is the literal meaning of the dream. The dream work is the work by which the manifest content is converted into latent-dream thought. The manifest content then becomes symbolic. Lastly, the wish fulfillment stage is when unconscious wishes or wishes that have become frustrated become manifested into the dream. Adult’s dreams become distorted because they repress things. Repression clouds the images and we have to disguise wishes from ourselves because we are ashamed of them. I interviewed my friend about a dream that she recently had and this was the subject matter of her dream. The manifest content of the dream can be described by the following statements. Her dream started off with her and her two brothers in an indoor pool. The pool then started draining and her younger brother got sucked down the drain. Also a couple’s baby got sucked down the drain

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