
The Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program

Decent Essays

The Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program also known, as the D.A.R.E program is a worldwide school-based program that helps reach out to children (elementary, middle, and high school) to prevent drug and violence abuse. This program does not discriminate in any case, therefore it consists of children all different colors, shapes, and sizes. Since drug and violence abuse was rising at incredible increments in the 1970’s and early 80’s, a Los Angeles Police Chief and the Los Angeles School District in 1983 founded the Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program. There are twelve key critical components in this program, each and every component is required to have a successful impact. Some such as: joint planning (which comes from the parents), education agencies, and law enforcement agencies. These come together as one and prepares a plan for the child and a written agreement which requires the child to sign a contract that indicates full respect to the parents, law enforcement agencies, and education agencies requiring full commitment to the drug and violence prevention program. The major goal for D.A.R.E. is to assist school children in resistance skills and prevent drug abuse amongst them. Children learn best at a young age that is why this program is in school districts trying to start educating them about the subject at a young age. This program uses the psychosocial approach by having the officer reach out to each child separately. The bond they have helps teach each

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