
The Duties And Responsibilities Of The Joint Building Contracts Committee (JBCC Principal Building Agreement

Better Essays

The Joint Building Contracts Committee (JBCC) Principal Building Agreement is a document that is followed by building owners and industry participants to which portrays the consensus view of all the constituent members involved in terms of a fair contract. This document sets out “clear, balanced and enforceable procedures, rights and obligations which, when competently managed and administered, protect the employer, contractor and subcontractors alike” (JBCC, 2014). This essay aims to highlight the duties and responsibilities of the principle agent in the Joint Building Contracts Committee (JBCC) Principle Building Agreement, Edition 6.1. The essay will pay particular attention to the range of the principle agents duties, the pressure of the principle agent serving as both representative of the employer and as an independent professional, the nature of the …show more content…

According to the JBCC Principle Building Agreement, clause 1.1, the principle agent is “the entity appointed by the employer with full authority and obligation to act in terms of this agreement” (JBCC Principal Building Agreement, 2014). As stated, the employer appoints the principle agent, this principle agent has the primary function (in clause 6.3) of acting in a professional manner while overseeing the building works goes smoothly while still keeping in mind the employers best interests, needs and wants. A factor that strengthens the building contract is outlined in clause 6.6; it states that the employer must refrain from interfering or preventing the principle agent from exercising his/her reasonable professional judgment when performing their obligations. The principle agent can be

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