
The Effect Of Analyzed Chemical Energy Of Sodium Chloride Solution

Decent Essays

Practical Investigation: Enthalpy of Solution
The enthalpy of a substance or solution refers to the chemical energy or heat content that is stored within the substance. When a substance undergoes a reaction, the chemical energy in the substance is released or more energy gets absorbed into the substance; this is known as exothermic and endothermic reactions, respectively. Within this practical, the aim was to investigate the change in stored chemical energy of a sodium chloride solution by measuring the temperature change that occurs when sodium chloride is added to distilled water. The experiment was carried out by using a calorimeter, to contain any energy that could be released in the reaction, and also a hand held thermometer and digital thermometer to measure the change in temperature.
The aim of this practical is to investigate and compare the effectiveness of hand-held thermometers and digital probes through determining the enthalpy of sodium chloride solutions.
When the sodium chloride is added into the water inside the calorimeter, an endothermic or exothermic reaction will occur, indicating a change in enthalpy from the water to the solution. The digital probe will most likely give a more accurate reading of the temperature change, thus giving more accurate results.
Independent: the independent variables in this experiment were the water and the solution. The water physically reacted with the sodium chloride to create a

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