
The Effective Effects Of Corporal Punishment For Children

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Corporal punishment is the stopping of unwanted child behavior by a parent by causing the child to feel physical discomfort. It includes spankings, slapping and beatings, fist, or object such as a belt, switch, hangers, and cord. In other words, a punishment by hitting. Others think the opposite it is effective. Therefore, if there’s no punishment towards the children their going to keep doing undesirable behavior and throw tantrums. However, in this case parents have control and show their children who’s in control and who commands. Hitting with belts, cords, and hangers is not the only solution there’s way to discipline. Imagine if there was not corporal punishment. How will the children turn out once they get older? Just think about it. Yes, corporal punishment towards children is effective because it prevents mistakes from repeating frequently, parents have control, and rational way to discipline.
If children are still repeating the same bad behavior once you talked to them verbally and do not listen then there goes corporal punishment. It teaches the child not to repeat the same bad behavior to void punishment in case like being in time out doesn’t work out after trying so many times. In an article “Disciplining Your Child” Steven Dowshen states, “Timeouts also can work for this kid at this age (3-5 years old). Pick a suitable timeout place that’s free of distractions so our child will have time to think about how he or she behaved.” (Dowshen, Steven, 2015). Not all

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