
The Effects Of Ambition In Moby Dick

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Here is some life advice; moderation is key. Try to avoid deficiency as well as excess. Nevertheless, someone will inevitably ask: “Can there really be too much of a good thing?” Faith? Love? Knowledge? Yes. Yes. Yes. Even ambition becomes inimical in excess. If you need a second opinion, then look no further than Herman Melville’s book, Moby-Dick. The sailors aboard the Pequod have so much to live for: money, friendship, and family. Unfortunately, ambition consumes these sailors, and deceives them into believing that fate is driving them forward, when it is actually their blind ambition enabling their tunnel vision. Thus, in Moby-Dick, Melville illustrates the virulent effects of having too much ambition, through the sailors on the …show more content…

These temporary apprehensions, so vague but so awful…” (215). These harbingers are persistent, but the crew views them as “temporary apprehensions.” Their ambition affixes them to a course of travel riddled with warnings of doom. Consider the sea ravens that perch themselves on the hemp of the ship or Ishmael renaming the “Cape of Good Hope,” the “Cape of Tormentoto.” Despite the ubiquity of these signs of peril, the crew remains blind to them. Moreover, the sheer number of signs is an indicator of the crew’s blindness—not ignorance. Ignorance implies that the crew is aware of the danger, but the brevity of their apprehension indicates an inability to comprehend the gravity of the signs. Killing Moby Dock is their only objective, and their blind rush towards the whale supports this claim. Thus, unbridled ambition has reduced the plethora of goals, Ishmael provides in chapter one, into one goal—kill Moby Dick. The whaler’s tunnel vision is disappointing because they have so much else to live for—like money. Whaling is a treacherous, though monetarily rewarding job. The whalers receive a lay or percentage of the net profits of their voyage, and whales compose a large amount of this profit. Throughout the book, the whalers show an adeptness at hunting and killing whales. Tashtego and Stubb kill a whale in chapter 61, the trio of harpooners kill a whale in chapter 81, and Queequeg impales a whale that later dies in chapter 87: “In about three minutes’

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