
The Effects Of Colonialism In Africa

Decent Essays

Africa had its own economic system prior to imperialism, however when there was a strong trade and cultural influence in African societies from surrounding countries in Europe and Asia in the nineteenth century, these nations to developed a dependence for economic growth due to exploitation of the people and land. In most academic writing, Africa’s economic growth was understood to be limited during the period of colonialism, however in Bayart’s writing, it is explained how African societies used “dependence as a mode of action” to reap benefits for themselves. In this effort, it is seen that these African nations were not able to benefit from said terms agreed on the trade of goods.
Bayart firstly explains Africa is seen almost as another land because it has "remained cut off from all contacts with the rest of the world" according to Catholic theology. The world sees Africa as one big mystery that is less relevant to global economy. It is because of views like this that the continent as a whole is seen …show more content…

The colonisation of Africa is often seen as a constraint on its growth, but Bayart outlines that when Africa was involved in trade, it initially benefitted from it, such as the palm oil trade, before turning against it at the end of the nineteenth century. He also points out that the manner of said colonialism was an important factor as to what kind of development (and to what extent) would take place. The transatlantic slave trade was outlined to be optional for African societies to be a part of. According to Bayart, Europeans did not put pressure on these decision makers to be part of this trade, but the leaders involved in the exchange became rich from the goods received in the process. He also states that Africa's own economy was their own destiny because they had the

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