
The Effects Of Cosmopolitanism On Environmental Psychology

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cosmopolitanism on environmental psychology is highly significant. This article is meaningful to me because it shows different culturals and how pro environmental behaviours is beneficial.

Being environmentally responsible: Cosmopolitan orientation predicts pro environmental
Behaviors. Leung, Angela K.-Y.; Koh, Kelly; Tam, Kim-Pong Journal of environmental psychology, Vol 43, Sep 2015, 79 94.

In the article, “Growing up, naturally: The mental health legacy of early nature affiliation”, it shows that many studies have now “demonstrate the emotional and psychological benefits associated with higher levels of nature connectedness, much less is known about how factors such as childhood nature experiences might influence nature connectedness development”( Windhorst, Eric; Williams, Allison 2015). According to the final results, it stated that “Students who measured relatively higher in nature connectedness recalled growing up in the vicinity of accessible, expansive, natural places, and being raised in families that modeled a love for nature and valued shared nature experiences. Overall, findings suggest that positive experiences in natural places growing up may have long-term mental health benefits through fostering a more ecological self” (Windhorst, Eric; Williams, Allison 2015). This article is meaningful to me because it helped me examine my personal environment and how it affected my

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