
An Average Temperature Increase For Grape Growing

Decent Essays

The figure 4 shows that between the years 2009 and 2014, there has been an average temperature increase of between 1 to 2 centigrade. 2009 is prior to the official onset of the drought. According to the Winker Index for vineyard suitability, in 2010 30% of vineyards in Napa Valley fell into Class IV which is considered “hot” for grape growing. One can assume through this image that more vineyards will feel the temperature increase and raise to Class IV or even Class V (too hot). A warmer climate leads to drier soils which add stress to vineyards. In addition, the drought has also led to increased wildfires which can be devastating to specific vineyards. For example, Lake County Winegrape Commission estimates that the wildfires in …show more content…

It has been noted that fog will have implications on the wine industry, yet there has been little research done to see what the affects will be.

A major source of water for California is the snowpack in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. However, the drought has greatly affected snows accumulation and in 2015 we are seeing the worst situation over the past 500 years. The author of an article published in Nature Climate Change describes, “The snowpack is really important in California because of the Mediterranean climate. There is no precipitation in the summer. The only time they are going to get precipitation is those winter months” . Therefore, California must adapt their water resource processes to assume less snowpack melt into reservoirs.

The rise in insect-borne diseases as a result of temperature change

The changes in temperature and humidity may increase the insects and insect-borne diseases. Many regions long believed to be climatically protected from certain pests may find themselves now open to infestation and contamination. The Glassy-winged Sharpshooter has brought Pierce׳s disease to California. With rising temperatures, this disease may spread to other places as well. A new study from Penn State University suggests that increasing temperature may result in growth of vineyard destroying pests, such as mealybugs (Pseudococcus longspinus), grass grubs (Costelytra melodica) and erinose mites (Colomerus vitis), all of which are likely

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