
The Effects Of Salinity On Crops By Denielle Walters

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The Effects of Salinity in Crops
By Denielle Walters
Team Members; Iona Millen, Jade McMillan, Kiara Stone
Teacher- Mrs Dean Contents: Abstract:
In this experiment it was found that the higher the salt concentration in a solution, the lower the mass of the Beetroot. As water travels out of the extracellular environment by Osmosis, the Cell began to dehydrate and signs of cell Lysis occurred. Though Colorimeter reading results were recorded, they did not align with the mass of the Beetroot data and were classified inaccurate. Reviewing the results there was no consistent trend in the data (eg. as the salt content increased by 1% the mass loss decreased by 0.5g). It could only be stated that as the salt concentration was increased the mass of the Beetroot decreased. This experiment is related to the Salinity issues currently occurring in Australia. It has been established that the rising levels of salt in soil affects a number of things like; Agricultural production, Water quality, Ecological health of streams, Terrestrial biodiversity, Soil erosion, Flood risk, Infrastructure and fixtures, irrigation.
If the effects of salinity continue, crops would not be able to grow therefore farmers would not be making an income and the fresh healthy Fruits and Vegetables that are displayed in supermarkets would be practically non-existent and the salt could potentially move into fresh water meaning the fresh water

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