
The Effects Of Social Media On The Workplace

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If someone’s social media site is clean, and doesn’t have any material that could hinder their possibility of getting a job, then that social media site could work as a major benefit for them. Employers may turn to investigating social media profiles of job applicants to gather information about that potential employee (Geno, n.d., para. 8). If there are photos / videos that involve partying or any other type of offensive behavior, it is a major red flag for potential employers. Having that type of material associated with a social media profile could potentially cost someone their job, or even get them fired from the job they currently have. Keeping profiles clean on any site will enhance someone’s image overall. Many people may choose to set privacy settings so that people cannot access their information without them allowing it, but that could work against them, too. If viewing is blocked from people, then it might make it hard for potential employers to access an account, and that seems to be a big deciding factor for some companies these days. “When you’re conducting a job search, you need to make it easy for recruiters and hiring managers to find you online” (Hindman, 2011, para. 1). It is important to ensure the information they are able to easily find, is positive. Using social media, professionally, can give job-seekers a huge advantage over competition. The key, here, is to make sure that the personal information included on internet profiles is the kind of

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