More than 98% of households in the United States have at least one television set. Two-thirds of the children in the United States have a television in their room. Children watch approximately twenty-eight hours of television a week. Children watching violent broadcast TV shows are exposed to guns or bladed weapons every three minutes. By the age of eighteen, a U.S. youth will have seen 16,000 simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence (2015).
Americans clock in much of their free time watching television. Idiot box, boob tube, and time waster are just a few of the names that televisions have been referred to as, in the past. However, this so called, “bad habit” has been proven to have some beneficial effects. Television can be educational. It is also known to improve memory and intelligence, as well as allow you to live vicariously.
With 98% of households containing a TV, Americans have a broadened education lingering at their fingertips. Due to children spending a majority of their time watching television, acts have been made to allow more educational programing to be available to children during day time hours. Bill Nye the Science Guy, The Magic School Bus, and Timothy the Tooth are a few examples of educational programs for youth. Educational programs help further positive development. They are made to meet a child’s cognitive, intellectual, emotional and social needs (2001). However, television does not only benefit children. There are many educational and
Technology throughout the past 30-40 years has become more advanced and accessible than ever. The television specifically has developed extremely since its beginning. What started off as a single camera caption, has developed into a full fledge worldwide availability. Within the United States, the TV is a normal everyday object common in households, hotels, schools, and even restaurants. There are approximately 118.4 million household in the United States that own a television set ( The Number of TV Households in the United States from season 2000-2001 to season 2016-2017 (in millions)).However, the increased amount of time spent watching TV has had a tremendous impact on people, especially kids. The differences in generations throughout the development of the TV has led to many questions, all revolving around whether or not the televisions has had a good or negative impact pertaining to children. Time spent watching television affects the brain, ability to learn, and skill levels in different areas (source. In the book “Last Child in The Woods,” Richard Louv discusses how children in the 1940’s would watch out the window at the scenery and have conversations, while children now sit and watch a movie on a flip-down video screen without knowledge to the outside world (Louv 16-17).
The Plug-In Drug by Marie Winn was written long before the Internet became a ubiquitous part of the life of every young child and teen. However, its message is just as important today as it was when Winn wrote her seminal text. Winn's thesis is that television is uniquely detrimental to the intellectual and creative development of children, creating a generation of passive 'watchers' rather than active 'doers.' She links the dependence upon television as a mode of entertainment to everything from declining SAT scores to a decline in the ability of families to connect with one another. Television enables families to avoid talking during difficult times and families sit around the television like a fireside. "Encouraging children to watch television is so easy and pleasant when compared to the disagreeable strategies of the distant past" (Winn 151).
In the article “TV’s Negative Influence on Kids Reaffirmed” by Jeffrey M. McCall, he addresses the issue of how TV has a negative influence on children. McCall states that young children and toddler’s cognitive ability do not develop as well when they have a television in the background while they are playing and interacting. McCall also argues that TV has a very influential role in the teenage pregnancy rate and how early teens become sexually active. To further prove his point, McCall proclaims that children and teens that are exposed to large amounts of television and video games become socially awkward and have issues interacting in society. McCall also says that the networks are rating their own programs carelessly, which is leading to shows that should be restricted by a V-chip being watched by children, rendering the restricting system null and void.
Television plays a very important role in everyday life. As children grow and develop, they can be influenced by what they see and hear.
“Watching T.V. Makes You Smarter” by Steven Johnson is an idea that if we watch T.V, it will make us smarter. In order to support his idea, Steven is comparing the different television shows shown in different time period in the United States television history. Steven is trying to prove, what is good for our children and what is not. Steven believes that television is a tool of brain enhancement. Steven states that instead of keeping the kids away from violent shows or tawdry content, the real challenge for the parents should be whether a given show engages or sedates the mind.
Does television make you smarter? Well, it does all but that unless you’re watching educational shows of course. Television is a large part of the American society and has influenced us tremendously. It unites others to watch, it helps commercialize for companies, entertains, it excites, it makes time go by, and even can make you obese. It is very hard to avoid and easily addicting.
on television they are more likely to imitate such acts at a younger age. When children watch violent shows they become more aggressive and they have more violent tendencies. Children view characters in T.V. shows as their role models when they see them doing risky acts they think that it is normal behavior, and are more likely to mimic the acts in their preteen years. Physiologist have linked childhood exposure to violence through media.When children watch television shows that are too mature for them they are more likely to see the world as a scary unsafe place. Even television that is designed for kids can send a message that fighting and destroying things is fun and acceptable.”Children under (age) 2 learn a lot by facial expression, tone of voice, and body language — much of which doesn’t translate well on a flat screen, especially in animated or cartoon form.”(Darice).Many shows today paint an unrealistic picture of what teen agers should look like and be like. When young kids see such things they are more likely to to try to live up to these standards even if that means taking substances or starving themselves to do it. Too much T.V. time can also lead to behavioral problems such as attention deficit disorder commonly known as ADD. Children who consistently watch four hours of television a day are more likely to be overweight. Physical activity is getting pushed aside in favor of Television shows
With the advancement in technology it has become common for infants, toddlers, and young children to be exposed to electronics such as televisions, computers, and videogames for hours at a time. Environmental factors affect children in significant ways. The effects the media and screen time children are revealed to influence their physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development. Television and media can both hinder and encouraging their growth. It is important for guardians, caregivers, teachers, whomever has a child they look after or care for, to make accommodations to construct the best possible environment for children to flourish in. At such a young age, these young humans are like sponges, they absorb much of what surrounds them. Because of this, the importance of trying to make it possible that they are mainly witnessing things helpful to the development of the child and thereby, benefiting them later in life.
In the article “TV’s Negative Influence on Kids Reaffirmed” by Jeffrey M. McCall, he addresses the issue of how TV has a negative influence on children. McCall states that young children and toddler’s cognitive ability does not develop as well when they have television in the background while they are playing. McCall also argues that TV has a very influential role in the teen pregnancy rate and how early teens become sexually active. To further prove his point, McCall proclaims that children and teens that are exposed to too much Television and video games become socially awkward and have trouble interacting in society. McCall also says that the networks are rating their own programs carelessly which is leading to shows that should be blocked
Television can affect learning and school performance if it exceeds the time kids need for their crucial for healthy physical and mental development. Most of children's free time, especially during the early development years, should be spent in activities such as playing, reading, exploring nature, learning about music or participating in sports. Research has shown that children's exposure to television during the preschool years is predictive of academic outcomes during adolescence. The most notable lesson about this
Television (TV) has its good side. It can be entertaining and educational, and can open up new worlds for kids, giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn about different cultures, and gain exposure to ideas they may never encounter in their own community. Programs with positive role models can influence people to change their behavior for the better. However, the reverse can also be true: Kids are likely to learn things from TV that parents don't want them to learn. TV can affect kids' health and family life.
Television has a widespread influence on everyone, especially children. Children are impacted so much by the things they have seen and watched on TV. They learn many things from TV, but their social skills and other learning abilities slow down. Watching TV numbs the mind of children and keeps them inactive from daily exercise. Furthermore, speech delays can occur in children who watch excessive amounts of television. Television programming such as MTV, Adult Swim, and Family Guy exposes and promotes negative
Media is also being tied to the increasing violence in US children. “Children are increasing anti-social and aggressive behavior, become less sensitive to violence and those who suffer from violence, children may view the world as violent and mean fearful of being a victim of violence. Children may desire to see more violence in entertainment and real life, and children will view violence as an acceptable way to settle conflicts.”( Buchanan, A.M., Gentile, D.A., Nelson, D.A.,Walsh, D.A., Hensel, J. 2002) Astonishingly, more time is being spent on watching television then homework which differ from child to child. A child’s interpretation of what they watch depends on of their attention spans, the way in
It could very well be true that over the past 20 years, television programming has developed in such a way as to demand more cognitive participation. However, watching TV is not the societal benefit Johnson makes it out to be. Johnson’s claim that TV is overall a beneficial societal force fails to account for the indirect effects of watching TV. It may be true that the cognitive demands of watching an episode of 24 do in fact stimulate brain function as opposed to diminish it. However, when a person sits down in front of the TV, he is choosing to do so instead of reading, studying, doing his homework, or exercising. These things are undisputedly beneficial to society. When one spends his time in front of the TV screen, it is time he is taking away from actually getting smarter.
Television is a big part of today’s society. Everybody watches television, including the children. There is a potential problem with letting children watch television. Ask this question, would someone let their own child watch some of the programming that they watch, too? Some of these programs are intended for the adult generation, not young children. Violence has a major role in television these days. Letting children watch this violence could corrupt their minds and eventually lead to bad behavior. There needs to be a limitation on the types of television programming that parents let their children watch, because violence in television can negatively affect children.