
The Rise Of Social Media In The United States

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Throughout the 21st century in the United States, society has been changing rapidly and affecting the way people live every day. Over the past decade, however, one of the culprits of the change has been due to technological advances. The most prominent technological advance of the last decade has been the emergence of social media such as Facebook and Instagram. As with all advances, both positive and negative byproducts have surfaced. Social media benefits the public by providing a more accessible way to communicate with others and creating a more united community. However, social media has become a negative outlet for cyber bullying, body image issues, and envy. Social networking sites are always around and available reminding its users on their inadequacy as compared to their peers. Therefore, people that use social media are at a higher risk for developing psychological disorders, such as depression. Contrary to believing that depression is solely caused by genetics; environmental factors play a strong role as well. For that reason, the rise of social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram in the past decade have caused an increase in depression among teenagers and young adults in the United States. Extensive research has been acquired and analyzed to provide substantial evidence on the severe influence that social media plays on its mental states. Social media is relevant to the majority of teenagers and young adults in the United States, with around

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