
The Emotional Effects Of Emotional Motivational Theory

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The Emotional Motivational Theory contributes to the ongoing criminological debate while answering what exactly causes humans to commit crime. It also highlights how crime should be handled and prevented by studying the basic human mind and its functions. I created the Emotional Motivational Theory because it relates to every individual on earth in aspects of human interactions. The theory is based off of the seven emotions we as humans exhibit. The seven emotions consist of: anger, contempt, fear, disgust, happiness, sadness, and surprise. It is human nature to experience these emotions and this directly correlates with our ways of thinking, feeling, and actions on a day to day basis. The Emotional Motivational Theory ties the seven emotions presented in humans to the major causes of crimes. For the past centuries, criminologists have extensively studied why people commit crimes, but The Emotional Motivational Theory gives a new perspective behind the motivation created by not harnessing emotional instability properly. This is a historical breakthrough relating to the contemporary social conditions in the United States. The Emotional Motivational Theory depicts a wide range of crimes from minor drug use to the worst serial killers of all time, and everything in between. Trying to prevent criminals to stop committing crimes is like telling a new born baby to talk and walk, it takes time and effort, but my theory has a long list of programs that can help prevent crime. We

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