
The End Of Football Analysis

Good Essays

John Kass and Kevin Grier and Tyler Cowen are influential people that have the same opinion that football will end in the future. While they share many of the same key concepts but they have different attitudes of how the sport will end. In John Kass’s article “The End Of Football” appeals to the audience emotions through use of personal experience; however, “What Would The End Of Football Look Like” by Kevin Grier and Tyler Cowen is more persuasive through their credentials and objective. In this article, “The End Of Football,” Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass states that football will surely end due to the severe physical and mental health issues that football creates. He writes about the connection between football and brain damage; …show more content…

Although, these piling lawsuits may not add up to the entire worth of football in the near future but it will definitely impact the football industry. The impact on the football industry disappearing it will cause colleges and communities to lose profit because of how much those places are invigorated into football. Communities big and small will be ripped away from business and be forced to move towards other opportunities. On the bright side, football colleges can now save the money and put it into building the campus or focusing on improving academics. Football tailgates will be gone on college campus leading to students to drinking less and staying in school. Another factor football is that there are plenty of other high impact sports that cause brain damage as well. How come football must be thrown under the bus? Both articles provide appealing experiences however when personal experience is provided in the essay it can help support a persuasive argument. In Kass’s article he states personal anecdotes for instance, “I loved football. I loved it desperately. Even now, four decades later, I remember endlessly damning myself for being too small to play it at a big-time college” (Kass). His use of the anecdote can create emotional or sympathetic response allowing people who also “love football” or felt they were “too small” to relate. On the

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