
The End Of The World War Essay

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Its beginnings were anything but humble. In 1947, following the end of the Second World War, five major powers of the time, England, Russia, China, France, and the United States pioneered an institution to safeguard the peace of the world. Based on Woodrow Wilson 's Fourteen Points peace proposal, submitted to congress January 8, 1918 (Patterson, UN, 10) a "general association of nations to guarantee political independence and secure borders for great and small powers alike" (Patterson, UN, 11) was needed to prevent future wars. At the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, Wilson 's idea of peace was accepted by a ravaged Europe and the last of his Fourteen Points, that an alliance: the League of Nations, must be formed. This last point was added to the Treaty of Versailles (Patterson, UN, 12) and became the first step in forming what is now the United Nations. However, the League, once secure used its representatives ' power and presence as a threat, but did not follow through with such threats when major opposition arose. For example, in the 1930s, the League of Nations "possessed neither the will nor the means to stop them [fascist dictators in Italy, Germany, and Japan]" (Patterson, UN, 14). Although this organization did little to prevent the Second World War in 1939, it did pave the way for humanitarian aid efforts to refugees and helped to resolve a number of border disputes before the war.

Following the second of the World Wars, the League of Nations was replaced by the

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