
The English Patient Film Compared with the Novel Essay example

Decent Essays

The English Patient Film Compared with the Novel

The Novel:

The English Patient is a fantastic novel and is one of the few truly great novels written in the last century. The author, Sri Lankan Michael Ondaatje, switches wonderfully between several scenes: the desert, the Villa San Girolamo in Tuscany, Italy, Dorset in England and Cairo. Each one of these perfectly crafted scenes is brought into being in an exciting and thought provoking way. The book is centred on four main characters: Hana, a Canadian nurse who has taken it upon herself to be separated from the other medical staff and remains behind in a mine-laden villa to tend to just one patient, the English patient; Kip, a Sikh who was, …show more content…

The desert in the film is done very well and deserves a lot of credit. I feel that it is portrayed very well. The desert seems to be very much the main scene in the film, with the plot focussing on this aspect of the novel. However, in the novel, the desert is by no means the most important scene; it is in fact the Villa. I personally don't seem to mind this too much and I feel that it is no injustice to the book. I also think that the desert portrays namelessness and nationlessness very well. Although the scene where they are having a Christmas lunch in the dessert is not particularly special and does not really add anything positive to the film, it does portray the theme of namelessness and nationlessness very well, as the idea of having a Christmas lunch in the desert with a man dressed in a father Christmas suit is very obscure.

The scene at El Taj, where Almàsy tries to borrow a jeep from the English is done brilliantly. It is a huge contrast to the rest of the film, as it reminds us that although there is this feeling of nationlessness and namelessness, there is still a war going on, and this comes before anything. So when Almàsy goes to el Taj, we are brought back to reality about how there I this war that is going on. I personally believe that should

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