
The Entry On Diaspora By Simon Dubnow

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The entry on “Diaspora” is by Simon Dubnow, a scholar of Jewish history. Diaspora refers to the exile of Jews from the holy land, and their overall dispersal throughout several parts of the globe, within the America’s, varying parts of Europe, as well as other places within the world. It refers to suggested/implied deracination, legal disabilities, oppression, and an often painful adjustment to a hostland. The diaspora helped to develop institutions, social patterns, and ethnonational religious symbols.

Within The Jewish Prototype and Beyond, it states that there are seven specific criteria that need to be followed. These could be seen as “commandments” in a certain regard. The general prototype includes language, religion, values, social …show more content…

Controversial aspects of Diasporas include language, memory, and/or religion.

The Religious Dimension covers the fact that, for the Jews, religion is the most important element of the diaspora. Furthermore, “many Jews envision Israel as the only country where a full Jewish life can be lived.” What makes the theological aspect of the Jewish diaspora unique is the hostility of Christians, grounded in church teachings. Another feature that is considered peculiar, is that it was “externally imposed”, and the only way to escape it is to exit the Jewish community. Zionists and Christian evangelists thought the Jewish diaspora must be ended to allow the second coming of Christ. Israel is no longer seen as an “appropriate homeland” due to it losing its “romantic allure”, the growing income inequality, pollution, and the poor behaviour towards Arabs. This clashes with the traditions of the diaspora. The pride that was once present in Israel has now been replaced with “embarrassment”.

In Homeland-Diaspora Relation, it states that one of the essential aspects of the diaspora is their transpolitical linkage to the homeland. There have been impacts on the diaspora externally, which have directly involved Israel. The bat-mitsva from the U.S, Judaism coming from Europe and Maimuna flowing from North Africa. Some differing culture patterns were brought back to the hostland. Two examples are the German rank and title system as well as

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