
The Environmental Director Of The City Of Reno Office

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Just recently, I had the opportunity to meet with Ms. Andrea Kuiper, from the City of Reno Office. Ms. Kuiper is currently acting as the city Environmental Director. During our meeting, we discuss the efforts that the city has been contributing, to environmental sustainability. Ms. Kuiper, was happy to share some of the events they have hosted last year, to educate people about environment sustainability, and how it is practical. Reno hosted the Sustainability Festival, partnered with University of Nevada (UNR) summer of 2014. This festival consist of “Reused+Recycle=Art”, and a key speaker, Ms. Beth Terry to speak to the public on her book title “How I kicked the plastic habit and how you can too, a practical guide to ridding one life of plastic. Ms. Kuiper was proud to announce that “the city of Reno is working towards becoming a zero waste city, and hopes that other cities will follow in Reno footsteps. I find that statement challenging because zero waste is a philosophy; the community will have to change their current mindsets and lifestyle. The summer of sustainability theme was a success; the effort was support by a $951,000 dollars sustainability grant. The “Reused+Recycle=Art exhibit, had members, showcase their artwork, and they had to use at least 80 percent of recyclable in their sculptures or paintings. Below is an feature painting made form recyclable items, it is an recreated of “The Great Wave” “Reused + Recycled = Art" also features Bonnie Monteleone

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