By 2032, DC will meet it's goal of becoming zero-waste. Numerous sustainability efforts at both the business and city level are already underway. We only have one word of advice—activate.
Business-Focused Sustainability: The Smarter DC Challenge
The Smarter DC Challenge is designed specifically for businesses in the DC area with an overall vision of improving sustainability in the workplace. The plan is a collaborative effort among DC’s leading sustainability organizations (We Are Washington D.C., District Department of the Environment, Greenspace NCR Inc., GreenPSF, and Eco-Coach). The Smarter DC Challenge uses a unique software, Green Per Square Food (PSF), to discover opportunities to save, complete projects, and measure results.
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City-Wide Sustainability: Sustainable DC
Sustainable DC (SDC) is the District of Columbia’s largest sustainability plan with a vision of making DC the most sustainable city in the nation by 2032. The District Department of the Environment and the Office of Planning are the leaders heading the change with an overall vision to not only impact the environment but the number of jobs, the economy, the citywide obesity rate, as well as the education of DC children on sustainable practices.
Foundations of Success so Far
The foundations of the plan are collaboration and community engagement. Sustainable DC recognizes that in order to achieve lasting and sustainable results within 20 years, focusing on the people behind the change is the most important factor. The pillar of the sustainable plan was built from ideas of DC community members, providing full disclosure to the public. Community members were able to easily read, vote and write ideas and inputs for the major goals of the plan and ways to achieve its stated
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Transparency, in the context of situations and best business practices, means situations in which organizations choose to disclose information in order to gain the trust of people and to show that they are fair and honest. Transparency is a building block of credibility. In addition, breaking the vision down into pieces (both short-term and long-term actions with goals under each action, a designated time frame, as well as the lead agency and partner agencies heading each action) allows for an easier way to keep track of initiatives taken. For a detailed list of the actions involved, please click here.
The case that I found is about a California medical center who has gone to court because of violating a patient`s privacy by releasing her medical information without her consent. Now they are fighting battle in court whether or not if the hospital officials have the right to share patient`s medical record unknown to the patient`s. But according to the Shasta Regional Medical Center, they said that the patient`s has waived her rights by giving her health information to a news agency, but the patient`s lawyers argue that they stay do not have the right to share the patient`s records (Patient Privacy, HIPAA Violation Case Argued in Calif., 2014). The patient`s was diagnosed with a form of malnutrition, and her medical records were sent to hundreds of hospital staff members.
Many may ask the question, why is transparency so important to people. Maybe its because some people place such a high value on transparency because it can help to cause change on different levels. Changes can occur within a corporation or government, which can change the way it the government functions. Transparency can also create a change in the way government and companies relate to the public. And, it can result in groups being able to participate in lawmaking that may not have had that opportunity beforehand. It could be that people are witnessing a new world transformation.
“A woman is like a tea bag- you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.”(Roosevelt). Mayella is the opposite of this. Is it because she's a woman or is it because of her incredibly low class? What makes Mayella Ewell Unpowerful? Mayella Ewell is a part of the Ewell Family. A very low class white family that is even frowned upon by other white families. Mayella Ewell is not powerful in terms of class, gender, and race because she is a white woman of a very low class
This plan is said to sustainable, because once the outside parties, investors and professionals have put the processes in place or order. These processes have to then teach to the ordinary people and locals making sure the work can continue.
The reason for this report was to explain the steps that were taken to create and implement this action plan and the outcomes. My three actions were established to help carry out my vision of bringing together
The key focus areas that the WCSD will focus on in implementing sustainability throughout the district are energy,
Many people say that recycling is a waste of time or that they just don't have the time.”Yes it’s popular in affluent neighborhoods like Park Slope in Brooklyn and in cities like San Francisco, but residents of Bryon and Houston don't have the same fervor for sorting garbage in their spare time’(“The Reign of Recycling”). The world needs more people to recycle no matter where they live. It seems that even if more people have started recycling things have not changed much.”While it’s true that the recycling message has reached more people than ever, when it come down to the bottom line,both economically and environmentally, not much has changed at all”(“The Reign of Recycling”). People need to work harder to make a change that will account to something. The goals are being set higher and higher but with little success. ”While politicians set higher and higher goals, the national rate of recycling has stagnated in recent years”(“The Reign of Recycling”). This rate has ceased to flow. If something changes how people feel about recycling then the nation may be able to meet its
2). The collective input provided from this panel would provide both information and direction to council and administration to move towards becoming a low carbon city by 2050.
While the plan appears to be thorough and complete, this very characteristic may also prove to be a weakness. As sustainable technologies and even planning methodologies improve, a plan as cohesive as the current Portland Plan may leave little breathing room to accommodate the integration of future improvements without large investments and comprehensive re-planning. In addition, plans as comprehensive as this one is tend to leave less room for the creative expression, which adds diversity and charm to the cities neighborhoods. In terms of raw efficiency, the choice to make this plan a joint effort between the city government and the citizens themselves, though a noble cause, can cause each step to take much longer, and even the delay of the project in its entirety due to the volatility of entire populations. One final risk of the plan, is the risk associated with time. As any program needs money to continue on, people must continue to vote for the Portland Plan’s various programs over the years in order for them to maintain funding, so that they may continue bringing about the sustainable Portland as exists within the plan. The plan is to take place over 25-years, over the course of which any number of variables may change. The issue is things may change over the course of those 25-years, that could cause people to lose support for the plans various programs. Likewise, over
For my Sustainability Project, I decided to volunteer for an organization called Mountains to Sound Greenway. The Mountains to Sound Greenway encompasses approximately 1.5 million acres of both private and public land, stretching from the shores and beaches of Seattle, though farms, communities, and forest to the peak of the Cascades and then out to Central Washington’s beautiful pine forests and fields. This landscape provides places for outdoor recreation, education, to explore nature and wildlife, for working forests and local agricultural production, all while embracing vibrant urban areas with strong economies. The organization’s main goal is to lead and inspire action towards conserving and enhancing this
Important stages of pregnancy: Pregnancy is counted from the first day of the mother 's last period. Important development immediately takes place after fertilisation of egg and sperm cells. It divides into many cells in the first week, which forms a zygote made out of 100 to 150 cells that are already differentiating. In the second week, the zygote is then changed to an embryo and it sticks to the uterine wall. This process takes up to nine months to form and develop a baby.
Sustainability planning should be made on the local, national and international levels. We need to be able to utilize our economic and natural resources in a way that will enhance
1.1 further develop a commonly shared long-term vision for a sustainable city or a town.
Campbell (1996), argues that it is necessary to focus on three major points, being the environment, economy and society when planning a sustainable city. He constructs a prism which holds each of these features at a
Environmental conservation, particularly waste diversion, is an important social problem for the reason that it not only affects people but the planet as a whole. The shocking reality is that the United States produces the greatest amount of waste in the world, while it only makes up five percent of the overall world population as stated in “Recycle Across America” (as cited by Worldwatch Institute). When people think of Colorado, they probably tend to think of its capital Denver, however, when I think of Colorado, I think of the city Boulder due to its zero waste initiatives. Boulder is leading the initiative to recycle and reduce waste while Denver is the big city and capital of Colorado and it only has a diversion rate of nearly twenty percent (“We Are Zero Waste,” 2017). This means that less than twenty percent of used products are composted or recycled while the other eighty plus percent goes to landfill. Boulder is leading the initiative with a diversion rate of thirty-nine percent as of 2015 and has a company called Eco-Cycle and other companies similar which handle recycling and volunteer at events throughout Colorado to make events a green event (“We Are Zero Waste,” 2017). Based on the Factfinder Census, it is important to note that there are a few key reasons as to why Denver has a lower waste diversion rate than Boulder. To elaborate, Denver has an estimated 2016 population of 693,060 while Boulder has only an estimated population of 322,226 (United States