
The Eruption Of Mt Vesuvius

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In 79 AD, one of the most famous volcano eruptions occurred-the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. This volcano dominated the skyline of the Roman city Pompeii. After its eruption, this ancient city, once bustling with trade, became buried under a thick layer of volcanic ash. The once popular city came to a halt-it was never rebuilt and almost forgotten about until in the 18th century Pompeii was rediscovered by archeologists. This town was excavated and provided an amazing and accurate showing of the everyday life of the Roman people because many people were unintentionally preserved with little to no time to escape the tragedy. Most people know about the city Pompeii and its tragic tale. However, not many people are aware of the other cities that …show more content…

The town in its height had amazing temples, a forum, and theater for the enjoyment of the wealthy visitors. The eruption of the volcano, Vesuvius, began around noon of August 24, 17 AD when the mountain exploded, sending a 10 mile high cloud of ash, smoke, and rock into the sky. The debris rained down onto the city for the next day, causing its inhabitants to seek safety along the shore line, away from the mountain. Many, however, remained in their homes and became trapped there by both debris and dust clouds. The next morning, those who remained in Pompeii were killed by the poisonous gasses released by the mountain. Herculaneum, a small town to the northwest of Pompeii, on the other side of Mount Vesuvius, underwent the same fate as Pompeii, but in a different manner. At the beginning of the eruption, the town was not greatly affected. An immediate gust of hot ash and poisonous gas engulfed the city, killing all its inhabitants. After the initial deaths, volcanic debris, mud, and rock flowed over the city, effectively burying it. Because of the flash like killing of the Herculeans, their lives were well preserved for archaeologists to later discover in the 1700s. The evidence found and studied at the different sites destroyed by Vesuvius helps give us a glimpse into the lives of wealthy Romans-both the physical world they lived in and what they valued. Paul Roberts, the British Museum’s senior curator

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