
The Eternal Value Of Privacy

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“If we destroy human rights and rule of law in response to terrorism, they have won”(Joichi Ito). Ever since technology has been available widely around the world, privacy has been a problem. recently , government officials had admitted to collecting data from online databases. The government should not be continuing this violation of privacy for the following reasons, privacy is a basic human right, it is not insured that the people viewing the data will not be corrupt, and because people will no longer be creative or have ideas of their own. The government should not be collecting our databases because privacy is an inherent human right. If one wants everyone to be respectful and polite, it will require privacy for us. For example in Schneier’s article, “ The Eternal Value of Privacy”, he states “ Privacy is an inherent human right, and a requirement for maintaining the human condition with dignity and respect”. Another thing-- privacy is just the one thing in life that you can experience and make small moments completely on your own. For instance, Schneier also stated that “ We do nothing wrong when we make love… Sing in the privacy of the shower, and write letters to secret lovers and then burn them, privacy is a basic human need”. Another reason why the …show more content…

If one wants new,raw ideas for creating a better future then watching over people will not help. For instance, Scheier in his article stated “if we are observed in all matters, we are constantly under the threat of correction, judgement, critisism, even plagiarism of our own uniqueness”. Also, if people are going to start with the “be yourself” and “go your own path” thing then the government should stop scaring us claiming they are collecting our data. Schneier states “We lose our ididviadultiy because everyting we do is observable and

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