Apple and ethics
Basically, Apple outsources assembly activity to China offshoring company.
We can see the words 'Designed by Apple in California. Assembled in China' at the back of the iPhone. According to one article, 'Where are the iPhone, iPad, and Mac designed, made and assembled? A comprehensive breakdown of
Apple's product supply chain'(2), Apple outsources to build their products. So iPhone, iPad, Mac are assembled in China and other countries. That is because
Apple has to save costs of manufacturing and assembly operations while keep brand, design, and supply chain. Apples say they cannot but to choose the alternative with the lowest cost.
1. The ethical question is whether Apple ought to contract (through suppliers)
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Especially it is a violation of the protection of human rights. And it is also against of Apple code of conduct and supplier code of conduct or supplier responsibilities. And more it is a violation of the law.
2. From the information given and reasonable assumptions about these factories and the living conditions of people working inside them, sketch an ethical argument against Apple enforcing the age workplace rule. What fundamental values underwrite the argument?
I assume how were the situation in the supplier plants. Supplier employed under 15-year-old age workers who are not applicable minimum legal age for employment. They might not be applicable for completion of compulsory education. The supplier might not provide legitimate workplace provide legitimate workplace apprenticeship programs for the educational benefit that are consistent with Article 6 of ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138 or light work consistent with Article 7 of ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138.(4)
The supplier might require those workers to work overtime or perform nighttime work. These behaviors are unethical and a violation of the law. This is related to prevention of underage labor, and it is to protect labor and human
There were a variety of different cultures of people who were part of the Aztec empire.
As opposed to many other companies, Apple focuses its branding on appealing to the population’s emotions and standing out as opposed to directly informing the public about the features and specifications of specific products (Jobs). Therefore, Apple must create multiple different advertisements, all marketing different demographics. The company has realized this and does target multiple demographics through commercials. This is necessary for Apple to be better than its competitors as different commercials would form many deep connections between different generations and the company.
The Cheesecake Factory has an vested code of ethical conduct that is an important cause in maintaining a proper balance in the human form of ethics and the link to the business success for The Cheesecake Factory. Corporate managers need to be thoughtful about their actions, how they address others and how they make essential choices
If the founders claim there is no need to seek licensing for the UNIX software, that the additional 15,000 licenses are part of the business marketing model to secure additional funding and that no financial implications are pursuant to the action, and that WSIB was an oversight
An Act to make further provision for securing the health, safety and welfare of persons at work, for protecting others against risks to health or safety in connection with the activities of persons at work, for controlling the keeping and use and preventing the unlawful acquisition, possession and use of dangerous substances, and for controlling certain emissions into the atmosphere; to make further provision with respect to the employment medical advisory service; to amend the law relating to building regulations.
In his writing, A Practical Companion to Ethics, Anthony Weston explains people are more judgmental and it causes a lot more problems than solutions. Anthony Weston feels Ethics requires us to be mindful thinkers, because it helps fight unjust prejudgment. I personally feel this could help fix court systems, federal, and state wide corruption. Most importantly being a mindful thinker could help businesses. There are so many reasons that could fall under Anthony’s theory. Getting to know the author and his work. I feel his mindful thinking is to reach out to others and interact with more people in an expressive way. Weston believes this will help our community progress in a positive manner towards others. I think he feels ethics requires us
New Voices' Reefer Madness Reefer Madness is about marijuana and the continuity of its illegalization in the USA during the 1930s. However, in the play itself, the exact time period is unclear. It is through the style of the costumes that the viewer can assume a time peried set in the early 1900s. The play begins with a black man, named O'Neil, smoking marijuana while sittting in a chair. The sound of crickets chirping in junction with a single dim yellow light sets the scene to be somewhere outside during the night.
In today’s world danger is at every footstep and knowing some self-defense skills can come in handy. In the short story, “The Most Dangerous Game”, by Richard Connell, Sanger Rainsford falls off a yacht and swims to a mysterious island. On the island, Rainsford encounters a strange hunter, General Zaroff, who hunts human beings. Rainsford seems to be the hunter’s next target. General Zaroff and Rainsford play the most dangerous game in which Rainsford punishes the general for his crimes. Rainsford’s actions can be classified as self-defense. By killing Ivan, the security guard, and the general, he proves that he does not want to die and the general was a criminal.
Although codes of ethics have become part of the public relations profession, Newsom et al. (2013, p. 49) state that not all practitioners adhere to their respective standards. Bernays (1998, p. 29) notes that unlike most other professions, public relations lack an ethical code that gives the state the power to restrict the practice of those who breach any such code. Bernays (1998, p. 32) believes the public relations profession should have ‘…registration and licensing by the state…’ so that both the practitioners and publics can be confident in the profession’s ethical standards. The Public Relations Society of America’s code of ethics was first implemented in 1950 but is essentially unenforceable (Fitzpatrick, cited in Sha 2001, p. 122).
Dear Leo, -I had a conversation with my case manager Ms., Mila from WSIB she told me that I needed to go to a specialty clinic to get a new diagnosis on my soft tissue injuries because you sent her such referral for me nonetheless I was never informed by you nor you discussed such referral with me in my first visit to the physiotherapy clinic where we met and you completed form 8 for WSIB conversely Dr. Daniels as a family physician with high ethical standards with his professional practice got very concerned that I might had internal bleeding when my co-worker took me after picking me from the stairs injured and upon my request he drove me to his walking clinic where my co-worker narrated to Dr. Daniels as a witness my accident Dr. Daniels
Ethical dilemmas occur when there is a disagreement about a situation and all parties involved question how they should behave based on their individual ethical morals. (Newman & Pollnitz, 2005). The dilemma that I will be addressing in this essay involves Michael, recently employed male educator working in the nursery, and parents of a baby enrolled at the centre. The parents have raised concerns about male educators changing their child’s nappy as they have cultural practices that do not allow this practice to take place. This situation is classed as an ethical dilemma as there is a dispute between cultural beliefs and legal requirements within the workplace. There are four parties involved (parents, child, educator and director), all
Apple is one of the most valuable brands in the world. The company has strong brand loyalty, impressive revenue growth and superior innovations in technology. There are many aspects of the company that contribute to Apples success. One of the most important aspects is the company’s ethical decision making. Apple has a strong ethical code of conduct that represents the company as being ethical in all decisions being made. Despite Apples positive representation, the company has been faced with many ethical issues. Apple has been involved in many litigations ranging from a domain name dispute and patent infringement, to the use of refurbished products in their repairs. These unethical acts are risky for the company and can affect the company in negative ways. Another aspect that can affect the company is their competitiveness in the technology industry. This industry has many competitors that Apple has to compete with. However, Apple has been overly aggressive in protecting their property rights.
Companies such as Apple, Dell, HP, IBM, and Sony outsource labor and hardware manufacturing to a company called Foxconn Technology Group. Foxconn Technology Group is a multinational business anchored in Shenzhen, China. Some of the typical hardware being manufactured are, motherboards, chipsets, smartphones, tablets, and laptops. The majority of the factories are in China, three in Europe, one in India, and four in Mexico. Currently there are contracts to expand and build a new factory in Brazil. I believe that there are many ethical problems related to this example; first, the general idea of outsourcing mass amounts of labor, and secondly the mistreatment of
“Brad is a production engineer at a bicycle company and part of his job includes inspecting broken bikes and drafting the design repairs for their repair” (Bartlett). Brad is considering replacing a broken brake cable with a more durable material, even though the customer did not request it in their order and specifically requested that “No aesthetic changes be made to the bike” (Bartlett). Brad’s manager suggests that his considered actions would go against the company’s policy of “The customer is always right.” Should Brad disobey the manager and the customer to possibly lose his job or go along with
Since my journey here at Bryant began in September, I have changed so much. Coming here, I expected certain things such as my study habits, daily routine and friend group to be altered. One change I was not anticipating making was my approach to ethics. Over the course of the past fifteen weeks, my knowledge of ethics as well as my approach to ethics has changed. I have become more knowledgeable about the different approaches to ethics and have gained insight as to where I stand in my approach to ethics.