
The Ethics Of Special Education

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In The Ethics of Special Education, Howe and Miramontes (2014) outline pressing issues facing special education and provide a framework for discussing ethical challenges. The authors present case studies around personal, institutional, and policy issues. Each case includes analyses and explanation by Howe and Miramontes that provide the reader with a more comprehensive understanding of the ethical issues. The intent of Howe and Miramontes (2014) is to raise the level of thinking about ethical issues and difficult decisions.
Author’s Background and Credentials Dr. Kenneth Howe has a PhD in philosophy/education (joint), and an MA and BA in philosophy from Michigan State University. Currently, Dr. Howe is a professor in the Educational …show more content…

Howe and Miramontes (2014) present both the theoretical and pedagogical framework surrounding this population. The authors seek to explain the kinds of problems that make up the ethics of special education while providing a practical level of understanding through case studies.
Per Benjamin and Curtis (as cited by Howe & Miramontes, 2014) the study of ethical deliberation answers one simple yet sometimes complex question: “What, all things considered, ought to be done in each situation?” (Howe & Miramontes, 2014, p. 2). Ethical deliberation takes into consideration an almost limitless array of considerations, including the facts and laws regarding special education, as well as personal beliefs, concerns, and feelings of individuals involved (Howe & Miramontes, 2014). A team of individuals, including the student’s parent, have a voice during all deliberations. Howe and Miramontes (2014) believe this often renders decisions subjective.
Per Howe and Miramontes (2014), federal and state laws are unclear and require objective interpretation. Courts or individuals must make ethical judgments in order to interpret the law. Howe and Miramontes (2014) characterize the relationship between law and ethics in several ways. First, federal and state laws are broad and neither capture the whole of ethics nor eliminate the need for ethical deliberation. Next, Howe and Miramontes (2014)

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