
The Evolution Of A Gentleman

Better Essays

Madison Woolley
PHIL 2010 Sec 07
05 Dec. 2016
WC: 1430
The Evolution of a Gentleman
Confucianism is based off of many diverse concepts, some of which are the junzi and the xiaoren. These terms have been widely interpreted throughout time, and make up most of this concept. In order to understand Confucianism, one must first understand the significance of these two notions. A junzi (gentleman) and xiaoren (small man) are very important aspects of Confucianism and have distinct meanings, qualities, and modern day societal attributes. While a junzi (gentleman) is defined one way by Confucius, a xiaoren (small man) would be considered the contrary. As defined by Confucius, a gentleman is an individual who lives by a moral code, not motivated by gain, but by what is right. A small man is the complete opposite. A small man is an individual who lives to benefit and for selfish reasons. Confucius states that gentlemen lead others through their actions demonstrated through: “When gentlemen perform well, all their duties to their relations, the people are inspired to virtue” (Chichung).1 Gentlemen are very selfless, unlike small men, and strive to be better men and better citizens. People in turn strive to be like a gentleman. In early interpretations, a gentleman was viewed as “inherently superior” to a small man and seen as a prince. The later interpretation translated it, not as a ruler, but as a moral person who leads by his actions and honor. Society is built up by gentlemen and

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