
The Factors Influencing California Teacher Credentialing

Decent Essays

Rena Bonifay

September 13, 2015

Research Paper Topic Proposal

From the time California was admitted to the Union through today, the requirements for formal educators have continuously evolved. Multiple factors have influenced these changes. The economy, changes in immigrant communities, as well as scientific research on social emotional, physical and cognitive development of students. Changes in teaching style trends have also been influenced by the same factors. The success of the education system in California continues to be dependent on the willingness to meet the changing needs of its population. In order for the state government to insure that educators are up to the challenge, the factors influencing California teacher …show more content…

In addition to gaining insight on the evolution of the education system in California, I am looking forward to learning about today’s trends in teaching as well as predictions for the direction we are headed for the future. With the help of research, I hope to find the specific factors the state use to determine best practices. Do best practices differ according to the demographics the public school is serving? How big of a role does each factor play in curriculum and teacher training? I also want to focus on the current use of Professional Learning Communities and the requirement of Professional Development. How have these newer practices changed the effectiveness of teaching? In Early Childhood we have always had to fulfill Professional Development requirements in order to maintain or upgrade Early Childhood Credential Permits. How new is the requirement for Professional Development for multi-subject teachers in maintaining their credential? Through research for this paper in addition to tracking the changes in credentialing requirements of educators, I hope to discover if California has been able to keep up with the ever changing educational needs of our population; or if the state has had to play catch-up at some points in time. Are we alone in the challenges we

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